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Guide to Explain the Reasons for Regular Car Servicing

A car service includes a series of maintenance steps which are necessary to be done time to time for providing good car driving experience. The car cleaning services are done according to the schedule like the time the car was bought in a year or in a few months. These services also depend on the distance and rides of the car, the driving conditions, and model of the car. Different car servicing firms have expert professionals who help an incomplete understanding of the procedure properly.

Different Kinds of Car Service

#1. Interim Car Service

This kind of car service is best suited for cars that cover a mileage of 20,000 miles or more for a year. These cars need servicing twice a year. Sometimes two times service is not necessary as these services depend on how many miles the car has been driven.

The Different Kinds of Service That This Particular Car Maintenance Provides Are as Follows:

  • Oil changing

  • Checking for worn up tires

  • Leakage in the hoses

  • Light faults or damage

  • Cleaning of car coolant

  • Brake fitting and oiling

  • Steering fluid

#2. Full Car Service

This kind of services is required for cars that cover low mileage annually. These cars need servicing only once in a year because it is not driven so much.

The Wide Range of Services That Is Included in This Process Are as Follows:

  • checking of the brake fluid

  • windscreen washing

  • checking of power steering fluid

  • shock absorbers test

  • checking of light

  • wheel alignment

  • checking of exhaust

  • charging system testing

  • oil filter replacement and checking

  • anti-freeze coolant testing

  • brake testing

  • steering test

  • suspension testing

  • tire pressure and tread checking

Thus, in full servicing, each and every part of the car is looked properly, serviced and if needed replacement then that part is replaced. It takes about 3 hours or more for a full servicing of the car. The cost of this kind of service is more than the interim services. It costs around 179 Euros for the full service of a car.

Why is Regular Car Service Important?

A car service is like a health check-up for cars. It provides every solution and treatment to the worn-out parts of the cars so it can work more smoothly without causing any problems.

#1. Safety: One of the primary reasons for servicing of the car is the safety of the driver. A serviced car looks like a newly bought car and so it feels like all the parts in it are placed new for better working. Good functioning of the car ensures the safety of the driver and the car itself.

#2. Cuts the Cost: regular servicing of the car does not lead to excess loss of money. If a car is not serviced for a long time, uncertainty of any damaged part repairing may cost more if servicing is not done but on regular car services, it will cost less as less damage is identified as compared to the previous servicing.

#3. Value of The Car: The condition of the car is very much noticeable from the naked eye. On the other hand, a well maintained and clean car would always have a certain amount of value in the future if it is made for sale.

Thus, whether a car has been driven for a while on not, it should be regularly sent for servicing. It depends on the owner as to which servicing package he chooses according to his affordability.

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