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Need of Acrylic Rendering and Tips to Follow

If you want to add glam to the exterior of your house with a better touch and finish, then you should resort to acrylic rendering. This innovation will be the right choice for you as it will not only make the exterior of your home attractive and beautiful but at the same time it will enhance the life and value of your property with an enhanced durability. However, you may not be sure about the process and how to go about it and use it, then you can always talk to your local acrylic rendering professional for more information and insight on how you can make your home exterior look attractive.

About Acrylic Rendering Just as the terminology signifies, acrylic rendering is done with the use of acrylic. This is a special type of plastic that is available in a mixture. It has the chemical and physical property in it to make the render much more flexible and stronger than any other traditional rendering mixes. The other benefits that you can enjoy through acrylic rendering include:

  1. It has a very low possibility of cracking once it is applied

  2. It is a very simple and easy process

  3. It can be trowelled, rolled or even sprayed on the surface

  4. You will require only two coats to apply

  5. You can use several different colors

Cement Versus Acrylic There is a usual debate between acrylic rendering and cement render though more and more people are inclined towards acrylic rendering. However, there is some signature difference between the two in its features and functionality. The most significant difference is in the price of the two where acrylic rendering is a bit on the higher side for several reasons as under:

  1. Cement render uses only sand, lime and cement but acrylic render only comes in pre-mixed buckets

  2. Acrylic render is mostly a topcoat thereby requiring an additional base coat on which it can be applied

  3. A modified cement render leveling compound is therefore required as a base coat to make the brick and block work smooth and uniform

  4. A flexible and water resistant acrylic membrane coating must be applied to seal the render which will reduce the chances of cracking and increasing the longevity

The Technique Followed The technique followed by the professional for acrylic rendering requires expertise and it should be even from all angles. The coating of the acrylic membrane can be applied by a brush, texture roller, nap roller or a spray gun. Usually, the professional chooses the technique and tools for acrylic rendering considering the finish of the cement render or the base coat and the type of finish that you want. If you want a smooth and textured finish, then the professional will use a trowel and then sponge it over with little bit of water for the required smooth finish. Bagging technique is applied when you want a very rough finish in which only a single coat is applied using very coarse graded sand. { Read More: Advantages of Acrylic Rendering }

Tips to Follow All acrylic rendering job must be done in good weather condition. Avoid conditions like high winds or rain as that will affect the final finish. You must also see that enough time for curing the top coat is given to prevent cracking. Ideally the curing time should be a minimum of 3 days. A sealer and bonding agent is required before application and sometimes more than one coat is necessary for proper scuffing. The benefit that you can enjoy through such rendering apart from the durability and the amazing look factor is that you can use it on a wide variety of substrates like concrete timber, fiber cement and painted walls.

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