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Provide A Stylish Look to Your Swimming Pool with Glass Pool Fencing

A pool fence is placed around the swimming pool to prevent anyone from entering such as children, strangers or animals. Thus, pool fencing plays an important role for increasing the safety and security of the swimming pool. Glass pool fencing is comparatively easy to clean and maintain, and you get total safety when you install the framed or the frameless fences, as these ensure that your children, pets and the elders of your home remain safe and do not fall down into the pool even by chance or accidentally. 

Types of glass pool fencing

There are various types of glass pool fencing such as

  1. Semi-Frameless pool fencing

  2. Frameless pool fencing

  3. Framed Glass pool fencing

  4. Glass splash backs pool fencing 

The semi-Frameless pool fencing is known for providing an unrestricted view of the swimming pool and the backyard. It keeps the area protected by preventing the strangers from entering. It can be installed, cleaned and maintained easily. 

What is the difference between the framed and the frameless pool fencing methods?

The frameless pool fencing is made from hardened safety glass and act as a corrosion resistant. The frameless pool fencing is known for providing an unobstructed view of the swimming pool to the user.

  1. The glass present in the frameless pool fencing is hardly visible. In addition, the stainless steel fittings are used to link the glasses together. This combination of glass along with the steel provides an amazing and contemporary look to the swimming pool. The frameless glass pool fencing can be used on both wooden and concrete surfaces. 

  2. The framed glass pool fencing is available in various colors and restricts the ultra violet rays of the sun from coming in. The framed glass pool fencing provides an uninterrupted view of the swimming and is very reasonable in contract with the semi frameless, frameless and glass splash backs pool fencing. It can be custom made according to the choice and preference of the client to fit into any type of swimming pool. 

The Glass splash backs pool fencing is a type of glass wall paneling that allows the light of the Sun to enter the swimming pool. It is available in various colors, sizes and designs. 

Installing the frameless pool fencing

  1. Check with the local authorities to find out if pool fence follows the stated rules and regulations.

  2. Measure and point out the place when the posts will be placed for the pool fence.

  3. Use screws to ensure that all the posts are properly secured.

  4. Now, put the metal rings above the mini post.

  5. Place the metal plate in the mini post.

  6. Don the glass gloves and take help of another person to put the glass panel in to the mini post.

  7. Ensure that the gaps between the glass panel and the level are even. 

Securing the right panels and the attaching the hinges:

  1. Secure the glass panels by tightening the screws on the mini post.

  2. Now after installing all the glass panels, assemble the hinges for the door by reading the manual.

  3. Then install the glass door and attach the hinges and check if the hinges are tightly secured by opening and closing the door.

  4. Put the spike caps to prevent the stranger from climbing over the pool fence.

  5. Finally check if all the glass panels, hinges and the doors are attached perfectly. 

It is always mandatory that one must consult a pool fencing expert to know about the toughness and nature of the materials before the actual fencing gets installed. It is also important to understand about the length and height of the fences to avoid any accidents in the long run. 

Glass pool fencing adds a stunning touch to your swimming pool. You can get the best out of the glass pool fencing if you carry out enough research and catch the best options available in your area. Make sure to compare the different costs and also the most experienced professional in your area.

This blog written for reader to provide useful information about Glass Pool fencing.

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